June 24, 2008

Comatose On The Run


As much of an essential entity that it is, seems to elude me time and time again. But not just me, my busy schedule is deprived of the recurring condition of suspended consciousness that us humans call natural. All work, no play, some would say makes for a boring life. Well I say all work and no sleep makes for a groggy morning.

Late night working, I despise you.
Afternoon naps, how I adore you.

Planning a lunchtime snooze,

June 10, 2008

Essence of Pandora

Do You See What Is Truly Hidden? The Secret Lies Within.

With in the deepest crevices of my mind, it lies dormant. A caliginous decanter for my life. Fueling the inspiration and reflection, it is the Creator. Retaining sentiment and phobias, it is the Deceiver. Withholding my chimera, it is the Savior. The arcanum of my cloven charisma, a Castle In The Sky.

The catharsis unattainable, hardly perceivable to the naked human eye, let alone the inner eye of the soul. A cerebral puppet master of this cadaver. It makes me the fool, a king's actor. The paper trail will lead you no where. Not to the ginger bread house, not to Eden, not to Laputa. Try as you might, you chase after a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, following a mid summers storm.

A Million Masks Do I Wear. Which One Do You See?