As of late, I've caught my mind drifting out in space. I try to think but there's everything, and at the same time, nothing to think about. I'm perplexed in a vast abyss.
I manage to occupy my nomadic mind with typical summer activities like video games, anime, the occasional movie, a book or two and my eight hours a day(minimum) spent working at the Club. Despite my attempts to fill my schedule as much as is humanly possible for me to achieve, my mind disobeys my commands to focus. Stupid non-obedient mind.
For my vagabond imagination, I write:
Hear the grass rustle in the summer breeze,
Watch the bird glide on the wind with ease.
Feel the sun in the blue sky above your head,
Listen to the words that you once said.
"I know what I want but cannot say
For I live to dream yet another day."
Walk your path through this imaginary land,
Just remember that life is grand.
Pleasantly Lost in Thought,
Quite literally, those boats have absorbed 40 hours a week of my summer time into their use and repair. Plain, detestable, and old all in one. A boat perfect for juniors, as it has proven from the fifty odd years of employment.
Alas, work is work and I persevere. Least I can hope on obtaining a decent tan as a bonus.
Paddle and bailer in hand,
I have this inkling feeling, despite my efforts to put forth new creations for those who surprisingly do view my ramblings, that it is all in vein. The minutes I clock in writing are not well wasted, and frankly, the outcomes are repugnant.
This humble abode I call my Blog, is quite shameful. The frame work is shaky, its' overall appearance seems forced, and the decor has the air of repetition. It fails to meet up to the standards of my raving critics and only rarely satisfies my desires for quality.
I send out my apologies to those who have turned their eyes onto this filth, for my unsuccess, I shall repent!
Face in palm,
It is all about the angle on which you are approached, and how you conceive the faces portrayed to you. A first impression. Or in your case, my fine fellow, second or third; depending on your avidness of reading my blogs. The more you read, I guess, the more your impression on myself and my skills as a blogger shall change.
The quality of those impressions people have forsaken upon me are none too great, or rather, deteriorating to that which would make a gallant cavalier bow his head in shame. The rabid dogs bear their blood-stained fangs at me in agitation and irritation, the scars of lashings concealed behind cloudy eyes. For these people, I brace myself against their words of mockery, sarcasm and sometimes abhorrence. Despite my dis allowance to be bowled over by these brutes, I do not take their accusations with a grain of salt. You can bet your bottom dollar I have a stone or two to hurl back, my vain attempt at peeling open their blindness to my reasonings. How will the fun flourish if a skirmish of composite English characters, being flung from entity to entity in a rather clumsy and useless fashion, is ignored to the point of emaciation?
You can call me an expert-of-sorts in dealing with these people we so modernly call "simpletons" or "assholes". It has nestled itself a common phenomenon in my life now a days. Some harsh judgment here, a bit of sarcaserism there. Stir in some smart-assery and stupidity and you have yourself a genuine jerk. Home made to boot!
Taking it all in stride as per the norm,