It is all about the angle on which you are approached, and how you conceive the faces portrayed to you. A first impression. Or in your case, my fine fellow, second or third; depending on your avidness of reading my blogs. The more you read, I guess, the more your impression on myself and my skills as a blogger shall change.
The quality of those impressions people have forsaken upon me are none too great, or rather, deteriorating to that which would make a gallant cavalier bow his head in shame. The rabid dogs bear their blood-stained fangs at me in agitation and irritation, the scars of lashings concealed behind cloudy eyes. For these people, I brace myself against their words of mockery, sarcasm and sometimes abhorrence. Despite my dis allowance to be bowled over by these brutes, I do not take their accusations with a grain of salt. You can bet your bottom dollar I have a stone or two to hurl back, my vain attempt at peeling open their blindness to my reasonings. How will the fun flourish if a skirmish of composite English characters, being flung from entity to entity in a rather clumsy and useless fashion, is ignored to the point of emaciation?
You can call me an expert-of-sorts in dealing with these people we so modernly call "simpletons" or "assholes". It has nestled itself a common phenomenon in my life now a days. Some harsh judgment here, a bit of sarcaserism there. Stir in some smart-assery and stupidity and you have yourself a genuine jerk. Home made to boot!
Taking it all in stride as per the norm,
Two Vessels 6x8
6 years ago
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