I received today a book. Hours later indulged among its virgin pages, my mind is lost to its size 12 strings of words. I was living so intently in a world not my own, when brought back to reality things seemed amiss. It's a weird feeling, like I have mild amnesia. Phrases spoken in my native language made minimal sense. I am grasping at concepts that should not seem foreign. I look over my shoulder. Author of
the Departed Kathlyn Mackel's teal book face down on the desk, the half face and horse silhouette starring unintentionally back at me. The book pleads for me to pick it up and continue absorbing the tale that it weaves with each turn of a page.
With thoughts of charred bodies, missing vets and a mysterious alluring black arabian stallion leading to a man chained in a cave, the shadows beneath my bed deter me from resuming my previous location when reading. The deliverence of riviting insight into the unseen world around us through such an intriguing storyline runs through my head like the horses through the adequetly described Robinson Ranch located at the base of Folly Mountain.
Cantering off into the sunset that my mind paints,
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