January 25, 2009


Time spent studying the an early art movement known as surrealism has a new train of thoughts and concepts being forged. The whole idea of the world and fate in a surreal perspective really perks an interest in me currently. Just think, what if the world as we know it was a total illusion. You're outside of your comfort zone trying to make straight the convoluted dreams in your mind. Are they really viable scenarios or merely pathetic hallucinations formulated by your subconscious to compensate for the petty life you perceptibly lead? Everything becomes a maybe. Indefinite rules the possibility of anything that would otherwise be concrete.

Makes me want to whistle. Stroll down the side walk, hands in my jean pockets, lost in my own thoughts as I question the existentialism of the light post I pass. Which in turn leads to the diluted concept of there being a god. A non physical entity that has been neither proved nor disproved with any sort of solid evidence. Although I am biased and lean heavily towards his or her (Yes. Aside from dictations arising from the humanly fabricated bible, we cannot exclude the possibilities of him being a her) nonexistence.

I pose this to you, can something so close seem feasible in contrast to yourself?

Allegedly, I have provided further fuel for thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What would happen if this nonphysical being was above the 'male' and 'female' tags we use to classify ourselves?

Ok I'm not really here to argue anything, this is a nice peice as always. I just thought I could add that. Make whatever is being contemplated that much larger than, well you know.

Sorry I read this one a bit late. I hope we can hang out soon, and well get over whatever exists there now. We used to be on such better terms. You know who I am, and I hope there arent too many creepers here following me and reading this knowing me, but hey thats a risk I'm taking. Would I be the same if I wasn't so reckless?