July 28, 2008


As of late, I've caught my mind drifting out in space. I try to think but there's everything, and at the same time, nothing to think about. I'm perplexed in a vast abyss.

I manage to occupy my nomadic mind with typical summer activities like video games, anime, the occasional movie, a book or two and my eight hours a day(minimum) spent working at the Club. Despite my attempts to fill my schedule as much as is humanly possible for me to achieve, my mind disobeys my commands to focus. Stupid non-obedient mind.

For my vagabond imagination, I write:

Hear the grass rustle in the summer breeze,
Watch the bird glide on the wind with ease.
Feel the sun in the blue sky above your head,
Listen to the words that you once said.
"I know what I want but cannot say
For I live to dream yet another day."
Walk your path through this imaginary land,
Just remember that life is grand.

Pleasantly Lost in Thought,

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