April 24, 2009

My Bridge to Nowhere

So I’m here alone, again, the Shatterday after. A whopper of a Tsunami. What’s the deal? He calls me up saying “Hey There Delilah” intending to play those stupid Love Games. I wish I had a Map of your Head, cause you’re going through The Technicolor Phase. I see the Jigsaws Falling into Place. I see you complaining that you’re Broke and Out Of Money, yet you still spare the change Fur Elise. Maybe if you went Straight to Video I would not be left a Snakecharmer and you’d see the Sparks in the Dark. I was wondering if you think I’m a mess, my crumbling resolve spilling my Requiem for a Dream into a vast abyss. What is the point of this? The escalating waves of anger has my hands reaching back for my Celebration Guns resting in their holsters on my leather belt. No, I just want to become clear: See you Space Cowboy.

Drumming to a tune all my own,

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