April 8, 2009

I am a learn'd writer!

A word is a word, why should it matter what version I use? I shall not lower my standards because others have no motivation to raise theirs! I hold an almost nonexistent need for a thesaurus. I do not use a word I recollect without enough knowledge to use it in proper context. All words within my vocabulary are learned from a span of books I've read and studied. For shame, then, goes my education!

Big words are not big, just uncommon or unknown in comparison to everyday slang. Would my works drastically differ if I switched to commoner's language? What is wrong with the way I speak! So I read more, and perhaps at a higher level than you, of course my vocabulary would be broader. If ever so slightly, but slightly enough apparently! Because of this, you call my attempts "too much" and over the top. I never deemed myself a perfect writer, yet you undermine me without adequate reason.

Do you not find it antagonizing to see the same word repeated a thousand times with no substitute for a similar? Even now, the multiple uses of the word "word" pangs deeply within me. What human does not search for praise and appreciation? God forbid once in my life someone tells me that the quality of one work is impressive! Would do good on my self-esteem, you know. You tell me to not be so hard on myself, yet batter me with insults pertaining to my style of my writing. As a result, I can barely voice the desire to name myself a striving eloquent writer, but I must not be as "big words" are too fancy for such an ordinary girl.

Fuck you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> What is wrong with the way I speak!
I've never heard you speak like that. If anything, there's an overabundance of engrish.