December 5, 2008

Just Thinking of You

Just think, somewhere in the world,
He's listening to the same song on the radio.
The Kings of Leon singing their solemn melody.

But maybe not.

Just think, somewhere in the world,
He's watching the same episode on the computer.
Spike and The Bebop searching the galaxy for criminals.

But maybe not.

Just think, somewhere in the world,
He's staring out the window just the same.
Under the night sky cars drive by.

But maybe not.

Just think, somewhere in the world,
He's writing these same words across the page.
"Darling I miss you, won't you please come home?"

Or maybe it's just me.

So just shut up and explode,


Anonymous said...

So much sap... hmmm

Anonymous said...

lol im anon