February 28, 2009

Has February Been Fraudulent?

It's the last day of February. Be it the same day in a different month, we would not be in such a predicament. I am intrigued by how the calendar was designed and assembled eons ago, by lesser (and at the same time, greater) scientists and philosophers, with such an imbalance. The second month of the year falls short two to three days in contract to it's brethren! Although every four years (and why do we have leap years anyways? Which reminds me, why do we still have daylight savings time when it has become redundant with today's technology?) it only falls short one or two days.

February leaves me a feeling of incompleteness, like I've been robbed. Two days which I could have utilized in a productive manner to prepare for a bustling month of March. A domino effect ensues and BAM it's June. I'm graduating, switching jobs and the world comes rushing in my face. That lost 48 hours could change the entire course of my supposed "destiny", or coincidences based upon resulting choices and actions.

It leaves me with one of those hypothetical trains of thoughts. What if I had an extra day of work? Make more money and that extra bit of cash then could have saved me later when finances became tight. Or, what if I had an extra day to finish that project? Perhaps then I would have finished it on time and my mark would've been salvaged (not saying that I procrastinate to ever end up in that situation, merely hypothetical possibilities we're talking here). Now what I really would like those extra few days for is gaming! Finally beating Assassin's Creed or Little Big Planet, or completing Okami (my favorite all-time game) again.

Alas I say that dear February, you fall short.

Romping off to play video games,

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